Unreal Asia

Asia Carrera (one of my most favorite porn actresses!)

Asia Carrera (originally Jessica Steinhauser) was born in New York City to a Japanese father and German mother. She studied piano as a child, and performed at Carnegie Hall twice before the age of 15. By 16 she taught English at Tsuruga College in Japan.
She won a full academic scholarship to Rutgers University and is a member of Mensa with an IQ of 156.
Carrera’s adult film career ran from 1993 to 2003 and included over 250 films and video features.

Some facts:
- In 1998, she appeared in an uncredited cameo role in the film The Big Lebowski in the faux pornographic movie Logjammin’ within the film.

- Carrera was a guest reviewer for Maximum PC magazine

- Carrera lent her voice to several erotic hentai OVAs for publisher Pink Pineapple, such as Inmu (2001) and Shusaku (1999). In October 2001, Carrera attended the Big Apple Anime Fest in New York City for her voice roles and along with Kobe Tai was an Opening Night Guest of Honor at the fest’s Midnight Anime Concourse.

- Carrera was featured in the book Part Asian, 100% Hapa by artist Kip Fulbeck. She also provided one of three featured quotes on the book jacket.

- Carrera was also in After Porn Ends (2010). The film is a documentary about life after being a pornstar.

- Carrera has an active presence on the Internet and describes herself as “the nerd of porn.” She states that she created her own Web site in the late 1990s, including writing the code and editing the pictures.

- Carrera is also an avid player of Unreal Tournament. She designed her own game skins and was featured in the show Players on the G4 games cable channel, where she revealed that her screen name is “Megabitchgoddess.” Carrera hosted her own Unreal Tournament server that featured custom maps designed by fans who frequented the chatroom that she has hosted on her site since 1997.

- She identified investor Warren Buffett as her hero on her website, which Buffett was pleased to learn.

About selling porn in her hometown, Asia said:
“Do I have a problem with porn being sold here? No, not per se. I have no problem with porn at all. Trust me, they don’t exploit women, and watching porn has never been scientifically shown to lead to any increase in crime rates, be it rape, pedophilia, or any other sexual crimes.”

So finally – above is Asia Carrera having it out with a photo-developer who liked her pictures.

If you’re interested in a more personal view of Asia, here’s a non-porn interview for a gaming magazine:

I know I’m in love!

One Comment

  1. zlotus

    Asia rules!!!



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